Air Compressors are on-demand tools.
An air compressor will start (Kick On) when the pressure (PSI) in the air tank drops to a pre-set PSI (example 90 PSI).
The air compressor will continue to run until the pressure (PSI) in the air tank reaches the Max PSI (that is pre-set) and Kick Off (shut off) (example Max 120 PSI for 1.0 Hp, Max 125 PSI for most 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 Hp models).
The maximum PSI cannot exceed the maximum 140 PSI safety valve.
If the PSI exceeds the maximum PSI of the safety valve, the safety valve will open and release air as a saftey precaution.
The Kick On and Kick Off PSI is set for a 30 PSI spread (example 90 PSI to 120 PSI). You may increase tank pressure in 10 PSI increments (i.e. from 90 PSI Kick On to 100 PSI Kick On, but the 30 PSI spread cannot be changed).
Refer to video below to adjust the Kick On and Kick Off PSI. There is a set screw you turn to move the Kick On and Kick Off PSI.
NOTE: The pressure range and output pressures are adjustable; for the majority of California Air Tools air compressors the default regulated output pressure is 90 PSI (assumes the pressure regulator control knob is turned fully CW).
This is a micro adjustment to the pressure switch set screw…only turn it clockwise or counterclockwise 1/4 of a turn at a time. For example, you may set higher or lower to the ranges listed below. You will need to test and confirm the final range several times by releasing air from the tank.
For example, with 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 Hp compressors, you can set pressure switch KICK ON/KICK OFF to the following approximate ranges (+/- 5%):
111-140 (not suggested for 1.0 or 2.0 Hp models)
102-133 (i.e. required for some laser/CNC machines)
92-123 (2.0, 4.0 & 6.0 Hp Default PSI tank pressure range)
Then you may connect to your tooling/application.
NOTE: Do not exceed the upper limit of 140 PSI as the pressure (safety) relief valve will open and release air from the tank.
>> Example of CAT-20040DCAD pressure switch adjusted to 100-130 PSI tank pressure range; output regulated pressure maintains ~100 PSI: